Well….this one is the continuation of the one down below where I started to comment on the article by John McCain in the Washington Post today where he takes the torture apologists that fox news has trotted out to task…calling their assertions that the information that led to Osama bin Laden came from torture lies….you know I’m not a big McCain fan…but it is about time someone on the right stood up and told the truth just once….It was not ole GW that did everything but order the raid that killed him…his waffling and reliance on his “gut” instead of facts let bin Laden live for so long and these are facts…something I know that the repubs really are not acquainted with. So, I will thank McCain for this too little, too late, denunciation of the fox liars…and hope that more on the right discover the truth and their spines…geez…
Look down…I added to the Red Wings post…