Well..with the Supreme Court blowing up 40 years of precedent today by making affirmative action illegal in college admissions, my only question is “can they be any more racist?” I mean Clarence Thomas wouldn’t be on the court if there wasn’t AA back when he applied to college…he pulled the typical repub bullshit…he got his and now lets pull the ladder up so no one else an use it. The telling part of the decision is they left in place the ability of colleges and universities to use legacy as a factor for admissions…so family (white) is perfectly acceptable but trying to make the society more equitable and addressing the systemic racism built into it is not…this smacks of the decision the court made to gut the voting rights act saying that racism doesn’t exist anymore…maybe in their world, but in the real world it sure does and now quality minority candidates lose another avenue into the middle class….geez…