Well…damn, it seems like every day the idiot james comer breathlessly says he has found the “smoking gun” that will allow the house repubs to impeach Joe Biden, and every day it blows up in his face…on Monday he was over the right wing propaganda sites hyping his latest “proof” of corruption since he found that Hunter Biden’s company paid his father “monthly” payments of 1,380 dollars…yeah, about that…his company did pay monthly payments for 3 months in repayment of Joe making Hunter’s truck payments for 3 months…and they were paid when Joe wasn’t even in office and Hunter was broke…so Joe does what a good dad does and helps out his only remaining son…and this is all they have? Look, they have been looking for anything to smear Joe with for over a year now and have come up with nothing…how about the repubs just give it up and maybe do something for the people of this country? This is just so much bullshit…geez…