Elections have consequences…

Well…I know you’ve heard me post that phrase much more than once but with the news out of Wisconsin yesterday, it is even more true…a couple of months ago, another dem was elected to the Wisconsin SC that tilted it away from repub control for the first time in years…and guess what happened? In the worst gerrymandered state in the country, this new court just ordered the repubs who cheated by making districts that really favor them to the point that in a 50-50 state, they control over 65% of the legislature seats…to draw new ones that don’t cheat and give them an unfair advantage…but you know that the new repub thing is to ignore court rulings they don’t like all over the country…and when they ignore the court, which they will here, too…how do you enforce it? Not sure about that one at all since there has never been a political party in the US that only believes and respects rulings that favor them…and we need to realize that and fix it…geez…

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