Poor, poor Elon…

Well…I laughed my butt off the other day when I read that ole elon’s 56 billion dollar pay package at Tesla was voided by a judge in response to a suit from a shareholder that owns about 9 shares of Tesla…you may ask “how the hell did elon get the board to approve such an egregious package?” that’s pretty easy..appoint a bunch of cronies to be on the board who just rubber stamp anything elon wants…and now he has to return the money to the company…and one thing to remember that this was the largest pay package in the history of business here in the US…and it was found that the cronies on the board didn’t negotiate at all or protect the company in the negotiations but conferred with elon to figure out how to steal the money…I think it’s just a case of an entitled billionaire rigging the system with little regard for the other investors or the people who work at Tesla…again, ignoring rules that they don’t like and think don’t apply to them as all the damn billionaires do…poor, poor elon…geez…

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