Well..it’s been a busy day today..had lots to do to get to this point and I am now just sitting down for the first time today to take a look at the world of politics and put in my two cents. I am just amazed at the repub hypocrites that have the gall to ask ‘where are the jobs?” as a campaign slogan when, for the 8 years they held power, not one net job was produced by them or their voodoo economics of tax cuts, tax cuts, and more tax cuts. As I have said many times before, if tax cuts spurred job growth, why aren’t we swimming in new jobs with tax rates being at their lowest overall level in more than 50 years. I am more than frustrated by the dems not standing on any flat surface and shouting these facts; that the repub policies do not work for job creation…and I’m sure that business is not hiring just for the fact that they want a repub back in the White House to de-regulate some more and take the remaing shards of the American dream and rip it from the last few hands of the middle class…ignorance is going to be the end of this country I fear…