Well…have gone through all of the online papers and nothing really came up that grabbed me so this one is going to be just the wanderings of what I call my mind…I know, some of you might think that I don’t have one if you’ve read many of these but at least I try….most days anyway. So, the good new in the title is a new poll that came out in the last couple of days that is starting to show that the people are having a galloping case of buyer’s remorse with the freshmen repubs in the house, and the repubs in general once they started to reveal the true nature of their agenda. I can’t be happier about that since I have been trying to call attention to this stealth campaign to give the entire country away to the rich and connected since I started this thing over a year ago…people are starting to realize that the government is necessary for their protection from unbridled capitalism and the huge money that bought the House for the repubs. Now all we need to do is turn out for the next election and send these radicals back to the backwaters where they came from and get the adults back in charge…adults that don’t think that compromise is treason…adults that understand that they need to govern for all of the people, not just the ones that voted for them….as you can tell…I still have hope that we can be better as people and as a nation…and that maybe someone will realize that people like me still have value in the labor market and can contribute…okay, went off topic there at the end…but I did get another one out…bet you didn’t think that would happen….