Well…with the utter collapse of honesty at the NYT, we on the left are starting to get organized and that means unconditionally getting behind Joe…and using every tool at our disposal to uncover the fascist 2025 project and make sure that every voter knows what the repubs have planned for this country….like using the army to arrest anyone who speaks out against them…firing all federal employees and staffing the government with right wing assholes that will try to burn the place to the ground…and take away women’s rights on a federal level…so even here in Michigan where we’ve placed women’s rights into our constitution, federal law and a corrupt supreme court will take them away…so, gee, you can’t decide between a good old man or a 34 felony convicted rapist fraudster who only knows how to lie? And you have to remember that you’re not just voting for Joe…you are voting for competent government staffed by honest people who really will do the right thing for the people of this country and not just their rich donors…and Stephen King weighed in over the past couple of days to his 7 million followers about what the repubs are planning since the media won’t talk about it…so just stop reading anything from the NYT or the Post…they are right wing rags now and we need to hurt them by cancelling any subscriptions you have with them…and seek out honest ones like the Philadelphia Enquirer…let’s get to work…geez…