Well…sitting here trying to watch the Michigan game and the damn repub commercials are starting to irritate the hell out of me…they just lie and take things out of context like “mortgage interest up 250%!”…well yeah, interest is up because the dems had to clean up after the mess that idiot boy made of the economy and by the theft being done by corporations by padding their profits which was studied to have added more than half to inflation over the past two years…the they go on to say that “gas prices have doubled”…and don’t say doubled from what…from the low of two bucks a gallon that was the result of idiot boy crashing the economy during the start of the pandemic? Prices are down under 3 bucks a gallon out here…or they were until prices mysteriously went up by 40 cents a gallon Thursday…but you get my drift…and I propose that political ads from either side should be banned from sporting events on tv…I’ve had enough of repub lies..