
Well…read an interesting article this morning about the changing demographics in the US and if I were a repub, I’d be crapping my pants…look, we know that the repub party is a white peoples party no matter how much they halfheartedly try to appeal to non-white people…and you can see how much they don’t give a damn but the fact that after the idiot trump took over the RNC, the first thing they cut was their minority outreach programs and personnel…and they did that because idiot boy himself is such a racist that he couldn’t ever see that any minority is necessary…he sees them as less than him and he’ll never accept that they are necessary for this country to function…one of the points of the article was that the percentage of white voters is on an inexorable downward slide that is going to do nothing but accelerate and if the repubs want to continue contesting the presidency, they are going to need to do something to appeal to other than white people…but they can’t with the current people in charge…I mean just look at the two at the top of their ticket and the openly racist attacks on Haitians in Springfield, Ohio…and that is not going to endear these assholes to anyone but racist white people…so all I have to say is keep it up idiots…be who you are…geez…

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