Done with the news…

Well…I am getting too much stress from following the news right now so I think I’m done with it until after the election…the polls show it to close to call and I am still amazed how terrible half of this country is that they think the idiot trump is worthy of being elected again…it’s the same thing that I thought when putin installed him the first time…is trump someone who you would have your kids look up to? And the terrible thing is that half of this country says yes…that they are so racist and stupid they want their kids to be racist and stupid, too…that can be the only explanation..either that or half the population has lost the ability to tell right from wrong and would probably cheer if idiot boy was caught committing more crimes…this is too much work to follow this crap and write about it every day…so maybe I’ll try to find other topics…idiot boy is polluting me and I don’t like it one bit…geez…

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