Selective memory…

Well…still getting used to the keyboard layout of the new laptop but I’ll get there soon…one of the things I can’t understand is how people think the idiot trump did anything good about the economy and how he polls almost as good as Kamala on that issue…but I think Obama put it the best the other day when he made it clear that idiot boy was riding on the coattails of his economic work for the first two years of his term and made it clear that it’s always the job of a dem president to come in and clean up after the previous repub destroys everything…and that is just what Joe and Kamala had to do when they were elected…and they did such a good job that the US economy is the envy of the entire world…and every damn credible economist has said that idiot boy’s narrow sighted reliance on tariffs to punish the world will lead to an economic recession or worse for the entire world…so, people…just remember that the repubs have screwed the pooch on the economy every time they have been inĀ  charge for the past 50 years…and it’s because they let ideology and wishful thinking guide their plans…and you can see that with their reliance on tax cuts over and over again when it has been proven that they don’t work other than to make the rich richer…oh, I guess that’s the point…geez…

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