Well…I hope women in South Carolina just love that the assholes they voted into office are going to legalize executing women who get an abortion…I can hear these stupid people right now..”oh, they’ll never do that..” just like the low income repubs in Pennsylvania that were interviewed after the election said “they won’t cut my food stamps or Medicaid”…and yet that is exactly what is in the repubs plans and these people are still whining that they voted to the idiot since he promised to bring down inflation that was already down but they were too stupid to know it…so now women in SC are going to die in another red state either by getting or not getting an abortion if they need it…to quote Yossarian…”that’s some catch that catch 22″…so now we are in the find out stage of FAFO that these morons have saddled us with and some of them are actually going to die from voting these assholes into office…serves them right and I do hope it happens…geez…