Well…the debt ceiling nonsense that is going on in Washington is sucking the life right out of me….when I hear that the dems are giving up everything…..cut to SS, Medicare, and every other program that helps the retired or middle class to the repub thugs and they are not getting anything in return, I despair for the future of this country. If it wasn’t for all of the things the repubs did…the two wars that were not paid for, the tax cuts for the wealthy, and deregulation, we would not be where we are and there would be no need to further gut the middle class to pay for this stuff. And, they are so against tax increases for the rich and connected but I guess that doesn’t count for you and me…retirees are going to get a huge tax increase by having the cost of Medicare go up and by cutting off the cost of living increases for SS. Why is it that the repubs always attack the little guys? I think it’s just typical bully behavior to pick on people that can’t fight back….I hope we can remind the voters who it was that gave the country away to the ideologues…and who drove the economy back into the ditch by cutting spending when the recovery is still so weak. Geez…