Well…if there was any doubt that the repubs have been cynically using the tea party to consolidate their traditional power, the punch in the face on the trade bills should put that doubt to rest. In the last couple of days, the repub controlled house and the senate repubs all voted against the wishes of the tea party and approved trade agreements with Columbia, South Korea, and others that was one of the key reasons for the tea party’s existence. How do you feel now tea party? It’s what I have said here many times that these folks in the tea party were just being used by the billionaires and business to get a compliant congress that would give them whatever they want…no matter that these agreement will cost many, many, jobs here and most of them will be from people that make up the tea party. With these agreements, the real power behind the tea party has been exposed for what it is…just the rich, powerful and business stealing more and more from the rest of us…geez…