Nolan Finley has gone over the edge…

Well…I really do have to thank ole Nolan for being up to more of his nonsense this morning in the Detroit News where the latest dump from his tortured mind sees Obama and his re-election team behind the ‘Occupy” movement with a little George Soros thrown in for good measure. His main premise is that since Romney will probably be the republican nominee, (as he sees it) it is imperative for Obama to discredit the financial industry where Romney made most of his money and the best way to do this is to make a fake populist revolt of the people to make the charges. Nolan, Nolan, Nolan…..this sounds a bit like projection since your beloved tea party is just that… a fake grass-roots organization backed by billionaires for the specific purpose of killing the middle class and taking more, and more, and more for the rich and corporations. What you truly don’t understand is the “Occupy” movement started long before it had the backing of unions or really anyone on the left and Obama is still keeping his distance….and was really late to the party. I think you have the whole thing completely backwards….”Occupy” is truly a people run movement that is a direct response to republican policies that always favor the rich and, whether it was the plan or not, have decimated the middle class….so, when you talk conspiracy theories, your fear of the people taking the country back from your ilk oozes from every word…and you should be scared…

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