The State of the Union…

Well…just wanted to elaborate on the earlier comment I made on the sotu by Obama last night…there were parts of the speech that I found interesting to some extent…the new found populism and themes that echo what the majority wants was a little refreshing but I still fault him for not learning that you can’t compromise with the repubs; that the only thing they want is less regulation, more subsidies for business, and to defeat him….they don’t give a damn about moving the country forward…but the one thing that the repubs are misreading is the people’s desire to stop the nonsense they have been pushing for the last three years….that the repubs don’t see the new emphasis on income inequality and inequality of opportunity is not a flash in the pan but a long term realization that as the top 1% take more and more, there is less left for the middle class to earn and spend and as it continues, the economy will stagnate and never return to the growth necessary for a healthy economy….geez…

Okay…look down…I added to the last one…

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