Well…I was vacillating quite a bit whether to write one about this topic but I felt I had to…I’m sure you’ve heard of the huge fiasco between the Susan Komen foundation and Planned Parenthood that has played out over the past few days where Komen decided to stop funding womens health services through Planned Parenthood for some reason that kept changing as the week went by…which, to me, stinks of trumped up nonsense. The initial reason was that they will no longer fund any organization that is under investigation…and, it just so happens, that some obscure, extreme right wing congressman has opened a “personal” investigation into Planned Parenthood on whether they are paying for abortions through illegal means. What I think happened is a coordinated attack on Planned Parenthood by this congressman and people at Komen who colluded to give cover to the right wing pressure that has been building on Komen to cut ties with PP since it is the right’s favorite target in it’s attempt to put women back in their place and deny them the care that is sometimes only available through PP. How many more times do we have to see and listen to these right wing idiots who are hell bent on making life harder on the poor? When are women from the right and left going to say enough, that their bodies belong to them and for everyone else to butt out? I hope it’s soon, and I hope that Komen collapses with the loss of it’s backbone…geez…