Well…just a short one about the latest destruction of your personal freedoms by this radical supreme court…if you haven’t heard, the supreme court this week said it is perfectly okay for anyone that is arrested, or ticketed, or has any other interaction with the police to be strip searched if the officers think it’s okay to do it. This includes getting stopped for not wearing a seatbelt, for eating on a subway train, for spitting on the sidewalk…do I need to go on? This whole nonsense again reveals the need to elect Obama again and tip the scales in the supreme court back to common sense…back to the individual liberty that the right reveres above else (or so they say) back to the ability of citizens of the country to be let alone…to have the police work for us and not assume that all of us are hardened criminals and get treated like one….I, for one, will be writing to my congresspeople to have this travesty rectified by a law that specifically prohibits this abhorrent practice and I hope you will to….this is a hell of lot worse than being required to buy health insurance…but we’ll see that struck down as being a threat to liberty…..how much more crazy can this court get? It’s time to impeach at least two of these idiots and restore the integrity of the court….