Well…if you are a regular reader here, you might have seen me do a post on the shady dealings here in GR (that’s Grand Rapids to those of you that aren’t from around here) where a long time Democratic rep Roy Schmidt waited until it the last few minutes of the filing deadline to switch parties, ensuring that the dems would not be able to register anyone to oppose him; leaving the dems to the arduous task of a write in campaign for their candidate. This sleazy nonsense has had some details put to it over the past couple of days, and it is even worse than was reported a few months back. It appears that rep Schmidt and the speaker of the house Jase Bolger, both repubs, put together a nasty little plan that tried to place one of rep Schmidt’s sons friends on the ballot as a dem with the stipulation that this young man not run any campaign so that rep Schmidt would have no opposition and would fix the election for him. Rep Schmidt even went so far as to pay this young man $1,000 dollars if he would register and even had his chief of staff file the paperwork…even though the young man didn’t live in the district. Then, we have the prosecutor for Kent County saying that while the move was sleazy, it didn’t break any laws. But, this is not true…if you prompt someone to make a false statement in court or on a political filing…it is called suborning perjury and it is certainly against the law. There is enough evidence here to charge both Schmidt and Bolger with this crime, this voter fraud that they say they are so opposed to and are so afraid of. At the very least, these two should immediately resign so a fair election can take place…after all, it’s what the repubs say they want….geez…