The Republicans are the problem…

Well…I have been thinking about the erosion of faith in public institutions and, listening to and reading the news as much as I do, there is one inescapable conclusion to be drawn…the repubs are the problem. From the obstructionism in the repub controlled house that has not passed a jobs bill in the past two years but have voted to repeal Obamacare over 30 times…to the incessant questioning of statistics that don’t go their way, these folks are undermining the American way of life as much as any terrorist can….and now, today it was announced that there is going to be an investigation in the drop in the unemployment percentage that happened last week since ole Rush and his ilk “know” that the books have to be cooked since the “gut feel” of people like Jack Welch just tells them the number is wrong. How about this: instead of investigations, why don’t the repubs just look at the math and ensure that the methodology of the calculation is the same as it has always been…something I’m sure they will find is true…but no, that would be too easy and you can’t attack the president or get media coverage looking at a math problem…or maybe it is the fact that they don’t believe in math at all…after all, these are the folks that are building a faith based budget that has no basis in reality…and people are buying it…geez…

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