Well…I am so ashamed of my state right now it is hard to even come here to right this…but, if you didn’t know, the idiot repubs here in Michigan, backed by the Kochs and the DeVos’s, have made Michigan a right to work state in a transparent attempt to destroy the unions here and with it, the middle class. Up until now, I had thought that our governor was a reasonable repub, yeah, I know, no matter how much they lie, there are no reasonable repubs here…and just like ole Walker in Wisconsin, Snyder hid his true colors while he was running for election; never once mentioning right to work because, if he did, he would never have been elected. The most galling thing is how the repubs are breaking their own legislative rules to jam this bill through…with no debate or no chance for the dems to speak against it…more like the Soviet Union than America…but, this is just what the repubs do…speak of their reverence for the country out of one side of their mouths while they destroy the American dream. There will be hell to pay in the next election if Snyder signs this bill…I can see a permanent dem majority being built here…and none too soon…