Well..when are the pampered one percent going to learn to keep their mouths shut? I’ve just about had it with these spoiled idiots complaining that they are going to close their business, fire employees, or quit their job because Obama raised their taxes. These guys are so stupid they don’t understand it was the congress that raised the taxes…Obama just signed the law so get your fricking facts straight. The latest of these idiots to spout nonsense is the golfer Phil Mickleson, who late last week talked to a reporter and whined that he was going to quit golfing because California raised state taxes and the federal rate went up 3% on people like him that make millions…notice I didn’t say “earned” millions because getting 48 million dollars in one year from making commercials and playing golf is not earning it by any stretch of the imagination. Well Phil, go ahead and quit..go back to your gated community and the other one percent idiots that you seem to identify with so much…and, let me give you one piece of advice: the money you make is paid for by people like me who buy the products that you endorse so it’s probably not a good idea to rub our broke noses in the shit that you are spouting…we’d love to have 24 million dollars after taxes so, shut the hell up…geez…