I just love it…Rush is ashamed…

Well…I really do try to never read anything about ole Rush since it feels like when I do, my brain rots from the inside and I don’t have all that much left to give…but, the fact that ole Rush is ashamed of the US and the reasons behind it have been making me smile all day. He is ashamed of the US because the left has won and he attributes the reason for it to be that the left has “created huge numbers of low information voters” that have been deceived by Obama and the left, and given “gifts” to vote for them. No, Rush, you’ve lost because of your batshit crazy, women hating, gay baiting ideas are repugnant to more and more people across the country and they are starting to reject those ideas. There is only one thing that I hope about this gasbag…that his ratings continue to fall and his hatred will no longer pollute the political discussion here….going to happen…hope it’s soon…

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