Well…you’ve heard me rail about the stupid CU decision by the SC many times here, and while the effect of unlimited money has not swayed national elections, if we take a look a little lower down into state elections, we can see where the real mischief is being done. Here in Michigan, you have the DeVoses who have bought themselves a legislature and with it their own pet right to work for less laws, and huge tax cuts for business while everyone else pays more…and the bit by bit dismantling of the public school system. In North Carolina…one man and the companies he is connected to gave over 80% of the money that was used to buy repubs seats in the legislature, and with those seats come laws that want to establish christianity as the state religion, right to work for less being enshrined in their constitution, more abortion restrictions along with the continued discrimination against anyone who is not a white, male, religious bigot. This is where we need to concentrate our efforts if we want to get back to a country that doesn’t spend it’s time and money taking away rights or preventing people from gaining those rights they are already entitled to….this crap just can’t be allowed to stand…geez…