Well…I am sitting here really, really pissed at Obama with the nonsense in his budget that cuts both SS and Medicare…two programs that have absolutely nothing to do with the deficit and which are solvent for the next twenty years…and I am not one of those supporters of his who think this is some “11 dimensional chess” where he is going to be able to get the tax increases the country needs and still not have to make cuts to the programs that seniors and the middle class depend on. I think he is just enthralled by his own legacy where he would be hailed for some stupid “grand bargain” that he could get from the repubs…I think he is just delusional if he thinks he will ever get any compromise from those idiots and why should he even try? When the rich keep getting richer by stealing more and more from the workers that make them successful…where ceo’s pay has gone up by almost 100% in the last three years while they plead poverty and cut benefits…and Obama sits there and does nothing about it…I guess the hope of the middle class now rest with Bernie Sanders and Senator Warren….we’ve all been abandoned by Obama…you guys keep up the good fight…geez…