Well…my gag reflex is getting a real workout today with the hoopla around the opening of the ole GW library in Texas today and the idea that this moronic, lying, torturing, murderer is being feted as anything more than the abject failure that he was and still is, should turn the stomach of we Americans who understand and love the rule of law. No other president in history has presided over greater destruction of the US’s standing in the world and the fact that, when interviewed this morning, this idiot said he would do nothing different just shows he has the dept of a moron and truly believes the lies he and his cronies foisted on the nation….and he is still spouting the disproven nonsense that his approval of torture led to the apprehension of OBL and other terrorists. Since when do we celebrate failure in this country by building a propaganda hole that perpetuates lies and deception? I hope this idiot goes back to wherever the hell he has been the past four years…or, for that matter, goes to the Hague to be prosecuted for the war crimes he and his cronies perpetrated on the world….geez…