Well…have been having little snippets of news percolate over the past few days and the result is finally clear…the repubs are officially nuts…this whole thing started with the NRA convention and the suggestion from one of the speakers that the best place to store your guns is in the kids room since that is the place you will run to when the big, bad boogieman breaks into your house…and that is going to happen next week so you better get to it….next, at the same convention of the delusional, we have another one of the “brains” there organizing an armed march on DC where he wants all of the “patriots” to bring their loaded assault rifles and march into the city to provoke an armed response so it will justify the “armed revolution” that these idiots just know is coming….and, this morning, I read of a poll that shows that more than 44% of repubs think that an armed revolution will be necessary in the next few years to protect their “liberties”…but not one of these abject morons could name one liberty that has been taken away….what the hell is it with these people? Are they just too stupid to know that all of this crap is just nonsense? I do hope these folks march on DC and every one of them is arrested…then they will have a felony on their records and can no longer own guns…crazy like this just shouldn’t be armed…geez…