Well…the mourning period is over and I do need to get done with a political one….so that’s what I’ll do…I find it heartening that the poll numbers of all of the repubs that voted against sensible background check legislation have hit the tank with drops of 10 to 20% and the spin has started with the idiot Kelley Ayotte trying to lie her way out by saying she voted for the legislation…and that is a big lie…what the hell do they expect when 90% of the country is for the legislation and the repubs ignored their constituents to vote for their owners at the NRA….
The purge continues across the country when any repub comes out in favor of all citizens having the same rights whether they are gay or not, or they are brown or black….I think the repubs should enjoy this next two years since they are setting themselves up for being the permanent minority party…and we need to help them along at the state level, especially here in Michigan so we can repair the damage these thugs are doing here…okay…that’s enough for now…not feeling it really, but I gave it a try…