Impeach, impeach, impeach…

Well…if you were unsure yet that the repubs in the house are stupid, ignorant, know-nothings…you just have to listen to the bleating that is coming from them on all of the “scandals” that have arisen in the past few months and now, they have started to talk impeachment of Obama for “high crimes and misdemeanors”…but not one of them know what the hell that phrase even means let alone that no impeachable offenses even happened. One of the leaders of the impeachment crazy chorus is the really, really stupid Jason Chaffetz who came out, with a straight face even, and said that because he thinks that Obama lied about Benghazi, it is an impeachable offense…oh, really? When it is clear that no one lied, conspired or did anything else wrong other than the repubs cutting the budget for diplomatic security? If lying to the American people is an impeachable offense, where the hell were the impeachment chorus when Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest lied us into a war and cost over 4,000 American lives? I really do hope they keep going down this path since every time they open their mouths their stupidity is further revealed and they lose more and more support from the independents they need to win elections…I have resigned myself to the next two years of nothing but this crap…but then we take back the house and these crying babies can go to hell….can’t come too soon…geez…

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