Well…this looks like it is going to be a theme for at least the next couple of days while the term winds down…another bad, bad decision written by the righties on the court that strikes down key provisions of the Voting Rights Act that kept states like Mississippi, Alabama, and Texas from doing everything in their power to keep minorities and everyone else except whites from voting…and one of the reasons is that it has been a long time since 1965 and voter suppression can’t possible still be happening….well, it was more like they objected to a formula that is used to determine voter suppression but the effect is the same thing…that even though it is well documented that repub controlled states are doing their best to limit legal voting by shortening poll hours, requiring voter ID, and making sure that students in their states can’t vote there…the righties on the court dismissed these facts, handing the repubs a blank check to continue to keep legal voters from voting and allowing them to rig elections….I guess since these folks didn’t see a problem with handing an election ole GW, of course they would have no problem allowing their side to lie, cheat, and steal elections…bad, bad, decision….geez…