Cracks in the bigotry wall…

Well…with the demise of Doma this week, there was another ruling here in Michigan that has started to crack the wall of bigotry that the repubs here are trying to shore up at every turn…a federal judge threw out a law here that prevented public entities from offering the same benefits to gay partners as they do for straight ones saying that the only purpose the law served was to discriminate against gays…and the judge just slammed Snyder and the repubs for their naked bigotry…it’s about time that these repub idiots got called out for this crap…and there is another case coming through the courts right now that could very possibly overturn the marriage amendment to our constitution and make the benefits of marriage available to our gay and lesbian friends based upon the equal protection clauses in the US constitution that say you can’t treat any class of people differently than any other as the marriage amendment does here in Michigan…I’ve always felt that there should be no difference in anyone’s treatment under the laws of the US….as it clearly says in the constitution…and I think that same principle should be applied to the control a woman has over her own body….there are no laws saying what a man can do to his so why should the government in the crazy red states be allowed to force a woman to have a baby she doesn’t want or to allow crazy assed right wing employers to make health care decisions that aren’t the ones a woman would choose? What happened to the righties mantra that screams “individualism” and “freedom”? I guess that doesn’t apply when they are trying to control women…geez…

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