Still don’t understand it…

Well…I still don’t understand the adamant refusals to help Detroit out of it’s financial difficulties in any way…starting with, of course, repub senators, but then all the way up to Obama…what makes Detroit different than the bailouts that are regularly given for natural disasters? If the country can afford to give 60 billion dollars for repairs after Sandy, why can’t we afford a few billion to help the transition in Detroit? I contend that what has happened in Detroit is just a slow motion natural disaster that has unfolded over a few decades but it is no less devastating than a hurricane…and the people there deserve no less support than Florida get every year during hurricane season. What the hell is wrong with us as a people if we can’t help our fellow citizens in their time of need….isn’t Detroit as deserving as Iraq, or Israel, or any other country that we give foreign aid to? I just hope that we can smarten up and help…geez…

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