Well…listening and reading about the commemoration of the 1963 march on Washington, I heard one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard from one of the commentators on the right…their contention was that the only reason there is still racism in the US (and these folks are not sure there is any) is the fact that the agitators on the left keep talking about it…it’s not that most of the people stopped and frisked in NY are minorities, it’s not that you can murder a young black man in cold blood and get acquitted, it’s not that the repubs are doing their best to make sure minorities can’t vote, and it’s not that the right hates the first African-American president with a rabid fervor that has no other explanation but racism….it’s that the president and the rest of the left keep talking about it. Yeah, right….it’s just another instance on the right that if it doesn’t affect the (mostly white) repubs, it doesn’t exist…just like discrimination against gays doesn’t exist unless it affects a member of their own family…and the other arguments the right puts up why there is no racism are the same ones they spouted in 1963….I think they are getting really scared that the demographic tide is going to wash over them and make them the little, regional party they deserve to be…the people have rejected their platform and ideas for the past two presidential elections and the only way they cling to power is to lie, cheat, and steal elections…and that can’t work forever…geez…