Well…I am sitting here shaking my head about some comments that were made by one of the idiot repubs in congress where he thinks that the dems will agree to delay the implementation of the ACA since “they compromised on other parts of the law” and that the repubs have compromised from their earlier position that the whole law would need to be repealed and now they just want it delayed a year. Another year of hostage taking for what? This is like any thug extortionist saying “hey, we were going to kill 50 hostages but look how nice we are since we now only want to kill one”. Harry Reid needs to just tell them no…tell them to go ahead and crash the economy…since the polls are all saying that the whole country knows it is the repubs that are responsible. Then, what about the people like me that will finally be able to afford insurance? These crazy bastards don’t care about that…just making points for their rabid, ignorant base is the only thing they care about. Just wait until their corporate masters lose trillions when the meltdown happens….no more repubs…geez…