Things are so absurd I don’t know how to comment…

Well…have been sitting here most of the aft trying to figure out how to comment on the politics of the day but they are so absurd that I really don’t know what to say…I don’t think I’ve seen so many idiot repubs in one spot and it is making my head hurt…the worst of the worst are the new set of deniers that have set their sights on the debt ceiling. Led by ole Rand Paul, one of the least intelligent people ever to be a senator, we have this group saying that defaulting on our debt doesn’t matter, that we can just pay it in little drips and drabs and everything will be fine…don’t they remember the same nonsense got us the downgrade in 2011 that cost us over a hundred billion dollars just because these asses wanted to make a point that they are a childish bunch of idiots who don’t understand how the economy works. And now, they want to do the same thing but even worse…any default here will cause the credit markets to freeze and raise the borrowing costs to the US by more hundreds of billions….and will probably crash the stock market to the tune of a thousand points or more…costing investors trillions…I just can’t believe these idiots are in charge…geez…

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