Blame Citizens United…

Well…I am going to try to get out of this funk I’ve been in by taking on a couple of topics that I have been reading about over the past few days…and one from Think Progress that kind of distilled it…there has been more of the false equivalency that is rotting the press over the past few days that is trying to shift the blame from the repubs who own this mess since they are the ones that wanted it…and it is heartening to see that it’s just not working with the poll numbers of the repubs tanking like never in history…but, that’s not what I wanted to talk about…I want to talk about this little tidbit I read this aft about an analysis of the money spent in the last election in the wake of Citizens United that allows unlimited money from the rich to buy elections…but it is not even the elections that is the problem, it is the threat of primary opponents for the repubs that have allowed these rich people to get their way since the only thing the repubs think of is keeping their seats, not doing what is right for the country. The worst of it all is that there are only 216 people that gave over 530 million dollars for the last election…and if you think that money is not buying influence, you are crazy as the right….so, we have the supreme court to blame for the gridlock and nastiness in Washington…and they are just loving it…geez…

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