Nolan Finley is still an idiot..

Well…the rationalizations start with the repubs this morning and they are reaching for any straw that might make them feel better about the implosion….and ole Nolan Finley from the Detroit News is leading the charge here in Michigan….he conveniently discards the polls saying that most of the country holds the children of the repub party responsible for the mess in Washington…but then hangs his theory that those don’t mean anything on another poll that asks “did the shutdown affect you personally” which a majority answered no. I will say this again…Nolan Finley is still an idiot…what he doesn’t get…or conveniently forgets is the the lack of empathy that this question reveals…he thinks that it is a good thing that people don’t give a damn about anything that doesn’t affect them personally. This trait is seen in repub circles as a good thing…the old “I’ve got mine, everyone else can go to hell” theme that permeates the repubs these days….they don’t give a damn about gay rights until it affect someone in their family, or they don’t give a damn about abortion rights until one of their daughters needs one…I know ole Nolan thinks he’s being clever, but his cleverness is just the same old crap from repubs…they don’t give a damn about anyone since they have theirs…geez…

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