Well…forgot to do this one yesterday when it was fresh in my mind so I thought I’d follow up today and just say how incredulous I am…okay, maybe not, that John McCain is so ignorant on a piece of legislation that is coming up for a vote in the senate…the legislation is the Employment Non-discrimination Act or ENDA which would just add sexual orientation to the list of things you can’t discriminate against in the workplace…just like race, color, ethnicity, and sex are now….and the reason that this is so sorely needed is that in most states, you can still be fired by your employer if you come out as gay…yep, in this day and age you can still be fired for being gay….so this bill just adds this to the protections afforded everyone else…and ole John’s objections include that it can lead to reverse discrimination, quotas, and all of the other boogeymen that the right uses when they are looking for cover for their hate…I guess he didn’t even read the bill since it specifically states that, under the law, quotas of any sort are illegal….but, that’s not new from ole John…I guess he is just another of the right who are willfully ignorant and proud of it….read the bill before you go on the talk shows and show your ignorance to the country…geez…