Well…after the announcement of the deal with Iran to slow down their nuclear program, of course the right comes out hating any idea of talking to the Iranians since they have been just itching for another war somewhere…they couldn’t get one in Syria and now it appears they won’t get on in Iran, either. So, their masters won’t get to replace their billions of dollars in war material that won’t be used and that just pisses them off…after all, what did they purchase legislators for? Now, what the hell is John McCain going to talk about on the Sunday shows? I just don’t understand why war is preferable to talking to the right…I think they do have ODS…Obama Deranagement Syndrome….and they are just unable to think in any terms but “if Obama did it, it must be bad” or to take the longer view that this is certainly better in the long run than destroying another country just because we can…we just need to let the adults in the room do their jobs and maybe get what we want, and for the Iranians to get what they want…is that so wrong? It’s just part of the whole mindset of the right that there is no win-win…there are only winners and losers and if we compromise at all, we are the losers…stupid…but that is the repubs these days…geez….