Well…as you know, I have been detailing the crazy in the repub party for quite a while now and it looks like I’ll have to keep doing it for another long while with the latest revelation that these idiots have been holding formal meetings trying to put together impeachment proceedings against Obama for Benghazi or some other things that they aren’t even sure of…but, they just know that he should be impeached since he won the last election and didn’t give the repubs everything they wanted. I really, really hope they do it…and I can’t wait for the ads and the dems getting up on the floor of the house and asking why the felony torturer in chief, ole GW wasn’t impeached for things the really are high crimes and misdemeanors….man, these guys have gone over the crazy falls this time but I think they will be looking for another one as soon as they hit bottom from this one….how much more stupid can you get? Gonna be fun to watch…