Just have to hate the repubs…and the dems that go along…

Well…just a short one on the budget that was reached over the past couple of days and all of the cheering that has been done to celebrate it..well..I for one won’t be celebrating since they gave billions more to the military that they just don’t need while taking away extended UE benefits for 1.7 million people…so, what are these people supposed to do, starve? I have had enough of feeding the military machine and the obscene profits that their cronies continue to suck out of this country…when are we going to get our priorities straight? I just don’t blame the repubs..after all, you expect them to screw people…it’s in their nature…but to the dems that are going along I same shame on you…where are your principles? Where is the caring for people like me who just can’t find work in this repub stifled economy? I’ve sent the letter out to my reps to let them know what I think…more people should…geez…

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