The problem with open carry…

Well..If you’ve been here before, I know you’ve read how I feel on the open carry for guns laws that have spread like a plague across the US over the past decade or so…I will say right up front that I have been a gun owner and I see no problem with people having guns in their homes for protection or whatever else they tell themselves they need them for…okay, that was a little harsh since I have been a hunter and I do enjoy the venison I get from my hunter friends…but that is an entirely different thing than carrying a handgun around on your hip everywhere you go. As I’ve said before, I am extremely uncomfortable and will leave any establishment that allow people to bring guns into it…and the “responsible gun owner” is always responsible until he or she is not and takes the gun out and shoots someone…I just don’t want to be in that crossfire. So, a couple of days ago, a “responsible gun owner”, a retired police captain in Florida got into an argument with another patron at a movie theater…the guy was texting during the previews and the gun owner didn’t like it…you can guess what comes next…the retired officer took the gun off his hip and shot the guy to death…something that could have been avoided if the guy just didn’t have a gun with him…and that is the gist of my aversion to having everyone and their brother carrying guns around everywhere…what used to be just an argument that might have come to blows now is a life and death situation…and ends more more and more often with someone dead and a family shattered…I’ve had enough of this nonsense…geez…

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