Well…int he runup to the union vote at a VW plant in Tenessee, the righties are out in force basically threatening the workers and even VW if they approve UAW representation. My question is: isn’t this illegal? Almost every repub in Tennessee has weighed in…threatening VW that they will never get another tax break if they go along with the unionization…even though VW has seen how well the “works council” relationship has worked in Europe and really do want the same kiind of relationship with their workers here in the states…but, have also threatened workers with retaliation if they vote for the union…now, I am pretty sure this is against the law and I can’t wait until a complaint gets filed with the NLRB and the lawsuits start to fly. These idiots in Tennessee have said that they will not approve any more tax breaks for the expansion that VW is planning…so, let me get this straight…if their workers vote to improve their work lives, the repubs will attack workers just to spite them and drive any new VW plant to Mexico? This just shows you again that the repubs don’t give a damn about the workers in their states…just about the ideology that cuts workers wages and say in the workplace…but, this time, they don’t even have the support of the company in question…why don’t they just leave them alone and let the company do what it thinks is right? Geez…