Well…I have been working up the outrage I need to do this one but a new law in Kansas is so jaw-droppingly crazy that I am struggling with how to even describe it…let’s give it a try…yesterday, the Kansas house passed a new law that says that anyone working in any job can refuse to provide services to anyone they suspect to be gay and use the “religious” excuse…and there are no exemptions for police, firefighters, or state employees…so now, in Kansas, if a firefighter pulls up to house that is on fire and he thinks the owner looks gay, he can just drive away without any consequences and let the persons house burn down…the same for any police officer there…if he/she sees a crime in progress and they think the victim looks gay, they can then just walk or drive away and leave the person to fend for themselves…and, the same goes for any state employee…if you walk into the DMV and the clerk thinks you look gay (whatever that is) they can refuse to provide the service they are being paid to do…what the hell is wrong with Kansas? They must know that this crap is against federal law and will be struck down…so why do they want to spend millions defending this institutional discrimination instead of using the money to benefit the people of Kansas? I just have no more words about this crap…geez…