Well…on the eve of the primaries here in Michigan, I thought it might be an idea to start to put down on paper (or on the computer) what I propose should be the manifesto or platform of the the new political party called the Reasonables that I want to start. To begin, anyone can be part of the party; from the right, left, or center…I don’t care…but anyone who joins will be required to follow a few guiding principles whose purpose will be to change the toxic political landscape.
First….there will be no shouting allowed. None of the ranting that passes for political dialog these days.
Second….there will be no attack advertising by any of our candidates…it will be limited to policy statements that show what you are for…and solutions to the problems facing us.
Third…there will be no lying or distortions in our discussions or political interactions….truth will be our motto…
Fourth…you will be required to know what you are talking about…all opinions are not equal and ignorance will not be tolerated…
Fifth…..any candidate of ours will be required to put the country first…not business or his or her re-election…
Sixth….there will no mention of religion, or god, or Jesus by any of our candidates…religion will be a private matter and the separation of church and state will be supported…
Seventh….any candidate will use public financing of the election…there will be no billionaires buying seats in congress…
Eighth….our party will support and champion individual rights over those of the government and business….
That’s about it for now…as time goes on, I’ll be adding what I think is important to this platform and I welcome any comments on what you guys think should be done since we are building this thing from scratch…more later…