Well…I have been laughing…or would have been laughing at another member of the “family values” crowd if it wasn’t just so absurd…if you haven’t heard, another Louisiana congressman got caught making out with a staff member after he was elected extolling his virtues as the family values candidate. But, here’s the real curve, now that he was caught, this idiot didn’t follow the David Vitter model…and that is lie to everyone, act contrite, and call for forgiveness from god…nope, this guy is willing to spend millions of government dollars “investigating” who released the tape of him making out and then try to proffer criminal charges…yep, he is going to try to prosecute the person who revealed his wrongdoings….not resign as he should but play the well worn right wing victim card where none of their behavior is their fault…but the fault lies with the media who revealed it…I can not believe the chutzpah of these idiots….geez…