Well…it’s been a nice morning and there have been enough good things happening to make even me smile a little…very nice people out on the trail made the bike ride more fun than normal and I want to thank my fellow trailers (is that a right use of the word?) for their courtesy when they see the crazy old guy come flying up the trail..especially the woman that walks the Great Dane every day….a dog so big that it could stand with it’s front paws on my shoulders and it’s head would be over mine…she always stops and restrains him and throws in a smile….thank you for making my day just a little better. Did get the grocery shopping in and I’m going to try my hand at pickling this aft…have some cukes, green onions, and peppers that I’m going to try….but, right now, the pizza is in the oven and I can smell it so I’m going to have lunch…I will be back with the earlier topics right after lunch…