Well…I am just flabbergasted how the right keeps rolling out it’s war criminals and convicted felons to criticize everything Obama does…this pattern continues with the criticisms of ole Ollie North on the trade for the last POW in Afghanistan…you remember ole Ollie…the multi-felon who was convicted of selling weapons to Iran to finance right wing death squads in Nicaragua, and then lying his ass off in front of Congress when questioned about it. Exactly how does committing treason qualify you to criticize the current administration? I know, first amendment and all that and I support everyone’s right to spout out on any subject…but the right just has no shame…they have been wrong about everything for the past 30 years…anyone else would have just retired to private life but, on the right, being wrong just makes you more and more money since they have convinced the rubes that it is all a plot by the “librul media” and that they were right all along…what a bunch of crap…geez…