Well…not sure if you have been following this case that has been decided and will be released tomorrow where a corporation, Hobby Lobby, that is owned by religious zealots, has an objection to having to provide contraception in it’s health care plan and has sued to be exempt. Yep…they want this corporation to now have religious rights to go with the free speech rights that were granted them in Citizens United…what’s next? If this is decided in HL’s favor, basically all federal and state laws have been voided if you assert that you have an objection for religious grounds….want to speed? The Bible has no mention of speed limits so you don’t have to follow them….want to stone someone to death for sleeping with the neighbors wife? Says you can in the Bible so the laws against it made by man no longer apply…you get where I’m going here? If the idiot supreme court goes against 200 years of precedent and gives HL these rights, there is no law that can’t be challenged on religious grounds…we’ll just be another theocracy run by Christians…and I won’t want to live here…geez…